Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Martin And Stokely On Violence

Chris Smith
In reaction to violence, both Dr. Marin Luther King and Stokely Carmichael both organized social movements against white supremacy though each thinker’s ideas on how violence works had commonalities and divisions.  According to King, in marches sometimes non-violence brings about more results then violence. For King this is because marches get the black people more involved and gives them something to commit too. According to Carmichael, the white versus black double standard where white people are excused when using violence towards blacks but blacks can’t do the same towards whites still sticks when it comes to using violence. Carmichael’s theory of America’s bias view on violence is extremely useful because it opens people’s eyes to the difficult problem of police brutality in the black community. Though I concede that Stokely’s view was correct, I still in insist that King produced more change with marches then with violence because that is what is remembered today and he is the one with the national holiday.


  1. Dear writer,
    I have a pleasure on writing a response on your blog assignment.
    I really liked how you made two points of authors views very clear for the person who just have read your blog. I like your introduction that fully says about the authors, what methods they were using. I see that you using quiet well the templates from They Say / I Say. I can see what they say and what you say, but you did not used a "yes/no" and "but/yet" model for introducing your own analysis. You might try to use other templates that can enrich your assignment.In general that is a very good analysis of the text. Thesis is in the right place, in the introduction, i don't really see a lot of keywords, you might work on it as well.
    I hope my comments will help you on achieving your goal in getting an excellent grade in the professor Cooper's class.
    Thank you

  2. Dear Chris,
    My name is Michelle Padilla and in reading your blog assignment I liked how you were very clear in your introduction, your thesis is great. Though I was little confused on how you say that “each thinker’s ideas on how violence works had commonalities and divisions” but you don’t really explain that in the rest of your writing. Overall your writing is excellent but maybe you could’ve compared and contrasted their idea’s too make your writing overall spectacular. Other then that I enjoyed reading your passage.

  3. Hey: Just checking to see what happened this semester. Email me and let me know if you have a second.
